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How Many Times a Month Should You Have Your Dog Groomed?

Dogs are a joy in any home, but let’s face it: dogs take up a lot of time and we’re all busy people these days! Your do

August 8, 2022

The Best Dog Diet for a Healthy Coat

A dog’s coat can tell us many things beyond breed and color. A healthy coat is an indication of a healthy dog and an outw

July 25, 2022

Summertime Dog Care

Summertime and the living are easy . . . with a host of seasonal activities, pools, and beaches open, and the kids out of s

June 8, 2022

How to Brush Your Dog (For Beginners)

Our canine companions are a never-ending source of joy, but they do require work for upkeep and care. Regular brushing and

May 16, 2022

5 Ways To Take the Best Care of Your Dog’s Coat

Being a dog owner can be endlessly exciting and rewarding – but it also comes with its fair share of responsibilities

April 29, 2022

Should I Wash or Brush My Dog First?

Dog ownership is a study in joy. The love and companionship our canine friends bring into our homes and lives are without c

April 18, 2022

How Does Diet Affect My Dog’s Coat?

As a pet owner, you want to keep your beloved fur baby looking and feeling their best. This involves creating the right mix

April 15, 2022